really cute and joyful! i like it :)
really cute and joyful! i like it :)
Thank you a lot! <3
great track! takes me back to when this style was all the rage <3
I wish I could find more songs like that
glad to discover you have a newgrounds account, after all. this slaps btw <3
I don't know what makes this track go so high up for me, when compared to a dozen or so of your other songs that sound very similar, but there is something.
Maybe it's the heavily nostalgic Tobu vibe and aesthetic... maybe it's the melody that goes so hand in hand with the sound design at the drop... maybe it's something else, but I know there is something XD
Well I guess it's the Tobu Style song, mostly the important part of making it is the Melody, I remember that one comment in my song Candyland Pt. 2 on YT said that, the melody needs to be Melodical as possible, so I take that advice and I think I made my own style lol
love love love love love
some pretty cool moments in here, especially the last minute! nice job yall
The last minute is my work :D Thx o.o
energy is peak
pretty solid!
super cute!
2018 - 2025
New releases still coming for December 2024 and March 2025!
This label no longer accepts demo submissions. For any other issue, contact me here:
Discord username: fils_s
Age 21
Joined on 3/16/20